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What causes the rubber joint to leak?
The biggest cause of rubber joint leakage should be due to inaccurate installation.Recently, some customers reported that there would be water leakage in the installation and trial operation of rubber joint products. Before leaving the factory, they all passed the pressure test and tight sealing test, and were sold to customers after meeting the standards.Pine xia shock absorber co., LTD. Shanghai technical bear positions of people think that using the wrong installation, in a flexible rubber joint used in the process of flange connection in a flexible rubber joint of rubber face own outstanding rubber edge to tightly closed as tightly closed material rubber soft joint flange end face, so the same accounting groove soft rubber joints are prone to leakage phenomenon, face all tightly closed soft rubber joints will not have this kind of phenomenon, the main reason is that buckle slot will be a very good rubber joint installation moments don't have rubber tightly closed end face good card into the groove of the flange,This flexible rubber joints in the use of the process is prone to part of the pressure concentrated on the edge of the exposed leak.In the installation process of flexible rubber joint, it is necessary to make the rubber edge buckle into the flange slot, so the anti-flange can be very close to the stuck rubber end after installation, there will be no leakage in use.When there is part of the installation work, the screw does not leak, which is inaccurate tight sealing surface leakage, tighten the screw will crush the rubber edge, so that the tight sealing surface damage, rubber ball surface of a small batch of damage.This method is not accurate, I plant leakage, the rubber soft joint was removed after the reduction of the adjustment device.

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